Friday, December 28, 2007

Blogroll Update, Winter ‘07-’08

Blogroll Update, Winter ‘07-’08

Full list here, as always, with these latest additions on the sidebar to the left.

Aurgasm - Your favorite music you’ve never heard, streaming weekly.

The Budget Fashionista - Looking great without breaking the bank

Daniel Felsenfeld - composer, music writer, fellow NEC alum

Dial M for Musicology - They say they even welcome air-guitarists, so I dig these guys.

Feast of Music - excellent NYC concert reviews

Good Vibrato - the Wordless Music folks combining art and music

Jonathan Biss, pianist - irregular but thoughtful postings about making music.

Operavision - Aprile Millo joins the blogosphere, and we are the better for it.

Strange Maps - My dad taught me to read a map when I was a kid, and I’ve loved them ever since. I’ve even started collected maps from places I travel to sing.

And a blog I’ve been following for over a year but was very surprised to not see on my Blogroll! Sorry Mr. Dickie… Chicago Opera Theater

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