Full Blogroll
Bold links are the newest additions;
latest update: September 2009.
SingersColoratur…aaah - fellow blogging soprano
Conservatory Bound - Violinist turned singer
grecchinois - Nicholas Phan, tenor
Operavision - Aprile Millo joins the blogosphere, and we are the better for it.
singin’rin - Rinat Shaham, mezzo
Tomness - Food and Schubert, not always in that order.
Yankeediva - Joyce DiDonato, sharing her journey with us
OperaChicago Opera Theater - Brain Dickie, General Director
La Cieca - Parterre.com
Little Ms. Bossy - a very funny and sweet opera director, sharing her life in Houston
My Favorite Intermissions - Maury D’Annato, opera fanatic
MetBlog - the New Met
NYC Opera Fanatic - Just what he says
Opera Chic - OC goes to La Scala and you don’t
OperaNow! - weekly (mostly) podcasts about all that’s hot in the world of opera.
Prima la Musica - Soprano adoration from NZ
Rahree - An opera admin dishes on opera (duh), books, music, and the Steelers.
Score Desk – the next hot young opera blogger
Sieglinde’s Diaries - NY-based operagoer’s blog
Unamplified voice - NY opera blogging
Wellsung - Opera Reviews for Four Hands
Wolf Trap Opera Blog - Kim Witman takes us behind the table
Music and ArtsAbout Last Night - Terry Teachout
Alex Ross, The Rest is Noise - Classical music critic for The New Yorker
Andrew Patner - Chicago-based music journalist
Arts Journal: Music - Headlines from around the world
Aurgasm - Your favorite music you’ve never heard, streaming weekly.
aworks - “new” American classical music
Daniel Felsenfeld - composer, music writer, fellow NEC alum
Darcy James Argue’s Secret Society - “music, politics, life in New York” and shiny baubles
Dial M for Musicology - They say they even welcome air-guitarists, so I dig these guys.
Deceptively Simple - Marc.
The Determined Dilettante - TONY Arts & Entertainment editor
eighth blackbird - new music darlings are blogging!
Feast of Music - excellent NYC concert reviews
From Every Corner - SMB in PDX
ionarts - Charles Downey, based in DC but writing about arts around the world
Iron Tongue of Midnight - Lisa Hirsch
Jessica Duchen - Novelist, music journalist; another link long overdue
James Roe - NYC arts insight from the Dir of Helicon
Jessica Duchen - London-based music writer and novelist
Jonathan Biss, pianist - irregular but thoughtful postings about making music.
Music as Weapon? - David, how did I now know you were blogging? Founder & director of
Newspeak; check it out.
Musical Perceptions - the original FriPod
NewMusicBox - “web magazine” from the American Music Center
Nico Muhly - the young composer shares his musings.
Night After Night - NY-based music writing
notes from the kelp - composer (and lover of the sea) Alex Shapiro
oboeinsight - Oboes in San Fran
The Quotidian – Lisa Bielawa, BMOP composer-in-residence
The Reverberate Hills - another voice from the San Fran scene
Roger Evans Online - music reviews and thoughts on the state of things in The Biz
Sequenza21 - Contempory Classical Music
sogalitno - a Southern gal in the North
SoHo the Dog - my new favorite music geek
The Standing Room - Singing and Parking in San Francisco
Think Denk - Jeremy Denk, pianist
The 3 F’s: Food, Fashion, Friends101 Cookbooks - Inspiration
Ampersand - Life, uncensored, now from New Zealand
The Budget Fashionista - Looking great without breaking the bank
Dilettante Traveler - Travel, often and varied
fashionologie - An insider’s view, I think
Orangette - Food writing that reads like poetry
Perfect Pantry - what a food writer keeps in her larder.
Pink of Perfection - La dolce vita
The Sartorialist - On the street in NY & around the world
Zauberwelt - Another old friend, rediscovered through the blogosphere
Reading & WritingBlurbomat - Behind the scenes at dooce.com
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman - Calf nuts and cowboys.
David Byrne - ‘nuff said
dooce - She who started it all (well, a lot of it, anyway)
Engrish.com - Having a bad day? Go here and LOL.
Huffington Post - recently brought back to my attention
Salon.com - a bit of everything
Stuff White People Like - Funny stuff.
Terminal Degree - Insight into academia
This Fish - now, oddly, in Texas
Art, beauty, photographybighappyfunhouse - found photographs
form meets function - drool-inducign design
Martinis and MantrasMelear-o-sphere - photos and thoughts from our photo guru. Oh, he’s a conductor, too.
random thoughts II: a beautiful photo blog
Strange Maps - Maps. Strange ones.
such stuff - My daily dose of beauty
The Year in Pictures - Inspiration and beauty from a NYC photography curator
Et moi:ACB.com: Go to
my .Mac site for a while instead.
Twitter - a Tweeting Bird, a most natural thing