Thursday, December 20, 2007

Blog Break, Study Break

For no reason I can figure, I’m still suffering writer’s block. Things are fine, life is good; I’m just not writing! I’m very busy studying (and loving it), so that might be part of it, but until inspiration strikes, I’m going to go on a short hiatus over the holidays.

I’m trying to figure out how I want to try to sum up this year (like I did in 05 and 06), so hopefully there will be at least one more post before the New Year. But until then, you can picture me in my little hobbit hole of an apartment, studying my score and utilizing two great tools I haven’t yet discussed: GarageBand for recording my lessons and coachings directly into my Mac and having digital access to the recording; it’s an incredible study tool! And Opera Practice Perfect cds for repetition and repetition and repetition.

I wish all of you the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years!! 2007 was a pretty great year, I have to say, but I’m still looking forward to turning the calendar. Who knows what wonders await us all in 2008?!



How about the results of the OperaNow! Summit?


Anonymous said...

Wait, so you use some kind of digital recorder and then load the files into your Mac?

What kind of recorder do you use - does it have an external mic?


Happy Holidays, enjoy your break!

Anonymous said...

There are a number of ways to record onto a Mac...

You can buy an attachment for you iPod (Griffin makes one) and use the iPod as a voice memo recorder. Your recording will be copied directly into iTunes.

You can also use a regular cassette recorder, attach it to another Griffin device called iMic, and then "play" your analog recording into GarageBand, which records it digitally.

I prefer the iPod method, as I think it's easier. The Griffin iTalk thing costs about $50.

ACB said...

My Mac also has a built-in mic and a multi-track recording program called GarageBand (I think all new Macs have these). I just take my laptop into my lesson/coaching, open it up, and push record. I have the mic level at about 25%, and I still get all the spoken words without blasting out the mic when I sing. It's pretty amazing.

I then compress that file and move it to my Music folder.

Fun fact: my MacBook weighs less than my Figaro score!

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