Friday, December 08, 2006

On the road in December

There are several other things I’m excited about for my upcoming trip to Portland and Boulder. I’ll be seeing a whole slough of people in Portland: cousins and their families, school colleagues, and CT the DT, who I haven’t seen since leaving Seattle in May. She’s coming down on the train and staying at the same hotel as I am, taking them up on their “Bookworm Package,” which includes a room, breakfast, and a $50 gift certificate to Powell’s Books! How fun, and just in time for Christmas!

I found out that my room at the hotel has a full kitchen! I’ll be so happy to have my usual breakfasts (coffee, granola, yogurt, fruit) and have some space for putting together snacks and small meals. Not only does something like this make me feel more at home, but I’ll save a lot of money.

In other efforts to make the hotel feel like “home for the holidays,” I’m planning to buy some small Christmas greenery and a string of lights! And, after talking with my mom last night, I’ve decided to put a few pieces of our family nativity set in my bag, bringing along a true bit of my home Christmas with me on the road. In 2004, she gave me the beautiful Italian nativity set that was always my “job” to set up at Christmas time. I had asked for one like it, but I was beyond touched when I opened the box to find that she had sent me hers. She and I were both a bit sad when we realized that, after 37 years of “service,” it was likely going to stay in storage this year. I have no room to set it up here, and besides, I’m only here for 8 days of December! So last night when I got the idea to pack the Holy Family and a shepherd and an angel or two and take them along on my journey, I knew we’d both be happy! Depending on how often I’m on the road at this time of year, they could become a fixture on my December packing list…

Another fun on-the-road thing: while I’m in Boulder, I’m going to get to throw a dinner party! I’ve been missing entertaining recently, and holiday parties in particular, so when Mom said she was going to have some folks over for dinner while I was there, I asked if I could “host.” She gladly said yes! We’ll collaborate, of course, but I’m looking forward to planning a menu, setting the table, buying and preparing the food, making sure everyone has what they need (“More wine?”), and having a wonderful time.

Tomorrow, a day trip to Boston. Sunday, brunch with a friend, an audition, dinner with JD. Somewhere in there, pack for two weeks on the road. Leave for Portland on Monday! It’s a whirlwind, I tell you, this life…

1 comment:

rb said...

how sweet that you'll be taking the crèche! be sure to pack an animal for it too

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