Friday, February 29, 2008

A Paradox

You know you’ve been running like a madwoman when you’d kind of rather sit home on the couch instead of go out with your friends for your birthday! But, never fear. I’ll get over it…

It’s been crazy hard to be productive today, what with the overwhelming outpouring of birthday greetings from friends old and new, virtual and real-world. I guess when you have a birthday so unique as this one, people tend to remember! At least, every four years they remember. Thanks to all; I have felt warm and fuzzy all day.

My head has felt a little fuzzy, too, as my somewhat standard end-of-a-run cold is lurking. I’ve started the Zicam and am drinking tons of water; I would hate to have to cancel my set at my own birthday party concert! Our Sing For Hope program has been listed in TimeOut New York as the Critic’s Pick for Sunday, so come on out! The listing even includes my first official pun on my name in publicity: “Soprano ACB’s friends flock to this birthday-party-cum-benefit-concert.” I have arrived!!

The concert last was a great, indeed, a wonderful end to a wonderful but exhausting tour. Today I had a good “state of the career” meeting with my manager and cleaned the apartment, including filling receipts from my recent travels. Tomorrow I’ll meet with CAM to rehearse my songs for Sunday, and then Sunday is the show! In between I’ve been running Rosina texts and melisamas nonstop in my head. Next week it is pretty much all Rosina, all the time. My roommate is going to be out of town, lucky guy, so he won’t have to hear it over and over again. I’m sure my neighbors will wish they were with him.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and wishes today!! Eight never looked so good, I have to say...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As a person who very much enjoys reading your blog, let me wish you a very happy new year in your life. Hope you will stay who you are and your career will keep flourishing.

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