Thanks to Beth Ragland of bad muffin designs for this beautiful design. Look for it on anything and everything have to do with the Bhakti Project from here on out! Besides the obvious letterhead and postcards/pledgecards, I'm thinking stickers, buttons, t-shirts?
Branding, people; we're branding here!
I vote for temporary tattoos.
This is beautiful!
Oh my, that's BEAUTIFUL! No kidding, Anne-Carolyn, my heart literally *leapt* when I saw this, the new Bhakti logo.
Temporary tatoos, awesome idea, Sarah, I second that one. Bumper stickers, postdards, oh yeah. (now, how could we get a few nice Buddhist monks to make one of those gorgeous sand mandalas for it for opening night...!?)
Yup. Branding is the name of the game here, and you have a winner logo, ACB!
You go girl!
(ariadne will now take her mechanical pencil and go off into a corner and practice getting the "h" in the right place when writing or typing "Bhakh... Bak... BHAKTI!")
ooh, ooh, ooh! And window clings for car windows, too, please?
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